Saturday, June 30, 2007

My Lover is a Bitch Named Karma

In many, if not most countries in Europe, there are no gates for the subways or local trains. On the buses, every door opens instead of everyone having to pass by the driver to pay fare. I'm always thinking, "This shit would never happen in the US." So I then started thinking, "I ain't paying. I never seen a ticket collector on the subway." So I'm on the subway in Berlin and this regular looking lady taps me, waving a card with the subway logo on it. OOPS!

Instead of handling this on the train, I motion that we get off at the next stop. We do, and her partner follows- a scary looking German guy with not so full a set of teeth. Now, I have heard of people getting caught and playing the dumb foreigner card. The ticket collector simply escorted them up to the ticket machine and post-purchase, said dumb foreigner was riding happily on the metro. I try this card but they weren't having it. They whip out their cell phones and tell me they'll call the polizei. I am done. 40 Euro lighter, I do the math in my head and figure I had gotten about 25-35 Euros in free rides. Needless to say, I don't really have a "public transportation fine" column in my budget. If you read my blog about frollicking on the Holocaust memorial, you can see I'm on the watchlist with the Deutschland Polizei.

I went to this casino today in Hamburg. Blackjack opens at 3 they said, and I need a sportscoat, which they will happily rent to me for 5 Euro. I'm so there. So I'm walking down the streets killing time and I see this sign for a place called Casino Club or whatever. I jaunt in to see the Baccarat situation and climb up a couple storeys of a narrow staircase. I couldn't help but wondering why instead of a reception, there were little numbered doors. OK, one more floor up. One such door is open, and an aging German lady in lingerie is lying on a dubious bed. OOPS! I'll go back to that other casino and play blackjack, I think. If I win, I'll go back to Casino Club, baby!


Coodence said...

Dude, are you going to wind up in jail AGAIN trading your orange for some cigarettes??

Hung said...

if you lose, you shoulud MAKE yourself go see the oldest german ho you can find as punishment.

Anh Ly said...

Just like the casino we went to in Cambodia,"NAGA." Rake them for what they've got! then rake in the women... but if you don't - what Hung said!