Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Big Trey Nil

I honestly am not phased by this whole turning 30 crap and don't feel any older but then again my birthday is tomorrow so maybe I'm jumping the gun. I did ponder it yesterday and can't believe I've only been on this planet for 30 of these things. Feels more like 78 years 4 months 11 days 19 hours and 59 minutes or something.

I did have a "oh look at those spry little whippersnappers!" moment yesterday. I went to this English pub recommended by my new roommate- an English girl who puts in a couple shifts at a different English pub (oh, how not novel for a Brit working abroad). There were a lot of expats and/or travelers there, which usually makes a great spot for lone foreigners such as myself to meet people and get some English speaking practice in, if nothing else. This place was loud, dark, and crowded- not the best combo for meeting others when flying solo- granted it was a Friday night.

So I take my beer to one of a couple tables outside on the sidewalk. This pub is in a fairly "hip" area of town with loads of bars and clubs that I hadn't known about, for lack of need or interest, before. So I'm sitting there watching Bordeaux's finest stagger by at about 1:30 AM. Dudes supporting themselves on each others' shoulders as they do nothing but make noise, thinking they're the coolest and funniest shit since Eddie Murphy in the 80's. Chicks walking by just being louder than usual, etc. I mean everyone was so damn loud and playing the stupid drunk card. So I ask anyone who has been with me drunk after the college years if I am much louder and say noticeably more inane and senseless crap than when I am sober? I know occassionally I am/do, but usually?

I have no idea what the hell the point of this post is, but it's just the last thing of any consequence I was thinking of before I am able to use the computer and turn 30.$


Randi said...

First of all, 30 is awesome. Welcome.

Secondly, happy early birthday.

Finally, somehow drunk people are totally annoying to me at this age. The fair was proof positive that I think drunks suck.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Snatcharella!!!!