Sunday, November 25, 2007

Case of the ole BWS (Blog Withdrawal Syndrome)

Nothing special. No haikus. No deep thoughts. Just 4:56 AM and feel like writing some random things just to mark 'em down. Since it's the chic thing to do I'll get my Thanksgiving and its subsequent weekend drops out the way.

1. Hope everyone had a happy one.

2. Saw half of my 4 siblings. But the two I didn't see are technically half siblings (which you only really say in explanations of your family tree to other people if you give "half" a shit about the sibling), so does that mean I saw 2 out of 3 siblings?

3. Cal didn't play so we couldn't lose.

4. Went to 3 movies with abovementioned family. "Fred Claus" is friggin' hilarious for a holiday movie, a la "Elf". Vince Vaughn is like Al Pacino. It doesn't matter what character he plays, he acts like Vince Vaughn. So of course, he's got a line somewhere, something like "I appreciate you not bringing your negative vibe to my party." If you know what I mean, you know what I mean.

5. Thinking about the upcoming week...the last week before I head out west like so many young men before me. The Milky Lactating One (you might know him as Mike) turns 30, so that should be fun. Another one enters the trey nil.

At times I feel old when I look around at my friends. Or maybe I feel too young because of where they're at and I'm not...I'm single, in career transition, moving next week with no housing of my own (but with the graciousness of those I love, who love me back, stable housing), no car, et cetera, et cetera. Grass is always greener, right? I'm cool with no car and I'm also alright being single for the moment.

But it is a bit tough when you went to the best public university in the US, kicked ass in the grades department, and proudly see all your friends around you makin' the big moves in their careers. I mean, I signed up for this, though. I had an entry level job at any of the top investment banks, accounting or financial firms in the country waiting for me, but it isn't/wasn't in me. So it's time to dig in and kick ass at whatever I decide on. It's TIME...TO...DECIDE, dude- I tell myself. Well, on December 4th begins my umpteenth New Life since 1999. In the words of my surfer buddies from SoCal...Shaka Brah! That's some gnarly shit!

P.S. do you guys really say "shaka" when you're out on the rip curls using surfspeak?



Randi said...

I feel like you... the constant rebirth. Gotta keep things fresh, yo. Happy late turkey day.

Unknown said...

Just because Mr. Malokowski says Cal is the best public school in the country doesn't make it so.

Go Blue